5 Things People Take for Granted

Isn’t it always the case that you don’t realize what you have until it’s gone?

There have never been more true words spoken, and they speak to the core of my message today. The majority of people, with few exceptions, take the most basic aspects of life for granted.

To begin, let me say that we’re all guilty of it to some extent. Although some of you might be more aware of this than others, most people don’t give the most valuable items in life a second thought until they’re no longer accessible and the spotlight of knowledge is shining brightly on them.
So, today, I’d like to share five of the most popular items that I believe most people take for granted:

Water and Food

When we’re hungry or thirsty, we can pull into any fast-food joint or store and get a soda and a bite to eat. We’re all used to grocery stores being packed high and deep with a wide range of shopping choices. Also in the toughest of times, food and water are usually just a few minutes away for most of us.

Your Well-being

I use the term “health” to refer to a variety of things other than the opposite of illness. I’m also referring to activities we do without thinking on a daily basis, such as walking, using your hands, speaking, hearing, smelling, tasting, and thinking clearly, to name a few. The human body is a marvelous invention, and the fact that it functions normally on most days is still a marvel to me that all too many of us take for granted.


This is an intriguing idea because I believe most people do not know how much time they take for granted until they are a little older. Age has a way of reminding us all about the value of time and how easily it flies. What happened to all those years? That’s a question I get a lot as people get older and more mature.

You and Your Partner

Most partnerships tend to succumb to an unpleasant kind of complacency that arises from familiarity and is inevitably accompanied by the passage of time. The sad truth is that taking your partner for granted can be emotionally draining for them, as well as potentially damaging to your relationship. We should all be aware of the consequences of taking our partners for granted, because human nature appears to lead us in this direction.

Friends and Family

Most people, I believe, believe that their friends and family will always be there for them, and as a result, their loved ones are often treated with less compassion, affection, and reverence than they deserve. The truth is that these are the people to whom we can devote the most attention in our lives.

I’m willing to bet that all of you who are reading this today are guilty of at least one of the above crimes. If you do, it doesn’t inherently mean you’re a poor or disrespectful individual. Regardless of whether you do it on purpose or not, it causes complications and emotional distance. Taking anyone or something for granted, in my view, often comes with a small or large price.

While there is some comfort in knowing that someone or something will always be there for you when you want or need it, there is also a significant risk. Taking for granted the availability of food and water, for example, is unlikely to cause you any problems in this country. Taking your significant other, family, or friends for granted, on the other hand, can lead to deep hurt feelings, personal frustration, and potential estrangement.
I hope my message today has opened your eyes a little wider. You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone, as that popular line from that Joni Mitchell song so aptly warns.

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