Seven Do’s and Don’ts of Online Friendship

There are numerous advantages to online friendship, but the majority of people are unaware of them. However, while in this type of friendship, one should be aware of the dos and don’ts.

The keyboard and mouse have become an integral part of my daily routine. This is due to the fact that I value online friendship. Now you’re probably wondering if it’s worthwhile, and you’re probably saying it’s a complete waste of time. By the way, you are not the only one who feels this way.

Many people are skeptical of such friendship. When I checked in to my favorite social site to chat with my online friend, my offline friend said something negative. She never values such friendship, but I know in my heart how much it has helped me.

My experience has taught me a lot throughout the years. You see, I’ve learned a lot of things that I never knew before. I get to communicate with people from Japan, the United States, India, Canada, South Africa, Australia, and many other countries. In fact, I end up knowing important news from those locations before it airs on our local television.

Even though I know I’ll never meet my online friends in person or set foot in those countries, the experience has been a lot of fun. There is no point in being shy or otherwise avoiding online friendship because the people you will interact with are friendly. There are times when you have no one to talk to. So, why be bored when there are so many friendly people online to chat with?

Online friendship can be extremely beneficial in business. Marketers, for example, can determine which products are profitable and which are in high demand. Many marketers have sold their products and services as a result of this type of friendship. An affiliate marketer may become friends with other affiliate marketers online. After chatting with other marketers on social media, she now knows exactly what works and what doesn’t.

Seven Dos and Don’ts of Online Friendship

  1. Don’t give a sales pitch. Sending them frequent emails about your products is detrimental to them.
  2. Speak in a friendly tone. I’m referring to non-offensive words. If you keep your words to yourself, they will love you.
  3. Take care of and treasure your friendship. This can be accomplished by sending gifts, jokes, quotes, and poems. All of these wonderful jokes, poems, quotes, and gifts can be found on social networking sites.
  4. “A friend in need is truly a friend.” Always be helpful. Wherever they ask for solutions, exchange ideas. Participate in a helpful and social community.
  1. Do not open multiple accounts (profiles.) You can only have one account.
  2. Value what they write on their page (wall.) You do this by leaving comments on their tweets.
  3. Don’t give yourself a fictitious title. If they find out, they will terminate your online friendship.

Now that you know the dos and don’ts of Free Web Content, go ahead and have some fun online.

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