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Protein mix has a number of advantages.

Protein mix

When you think of protein, you might think of eggs, chicken, a glass of milk, red meat, or fish. While these may be among of the best protein sources available, a closer look reveals that there is much more you…

POS System for Your Business

POS System for Your Business Every retail establishment, hospital, and supermarket necessitates the use of effective Point of Sale software. Multiply POS software development providers may assist businesses with the setup of their POS system. Every retail establishment, hospital, and…


WHY YOU SHOULD READ EVERY DAY There are numerous advantages to reading books. But, let’s face it, it’s difficult to get ourselves to read a 382-page book when we can instead watch a movie, listen to an audiobook, or watch…

Are you bored?

Are you bored?

“I’m completely bored!” When was the last time you thought or suspected someone on your team of doing something like that? Boredom has an impact on employee retention, job happiness, and work quality. Kevin Eikenberry, a leadership specialist, offers five…

Purposeful Living

Purposeful Living

Purposeful Living. For people seeking to discover their life’s purpose and go on self-enlightenment adventures. You DO have a purpose for being on this planet… but what is it? “What is the meaning of my life? …I have the feeling…

Employee Engagement’s Effect on Productivity

Employee Engagement's Effect on Productivity

Employee Engagement’s Effect on Productivity. A variety of factors influence a company’s productivity, revenue growth, and smoother operation. Employee involvement is one of the most important factors. Employee engagement is so important that it motivates teams to make significant progress…

A Complete Guide to Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT)

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) Blockchain has cleared the door for future technological breakthroughs such as Decentralized Finance, Non-Fungible Tokens, and much more. Non-Fungible Token (NFT) is briefly discussed here. Everything around us is moving towards digitalization in the current situation. Blockchain…