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That bodaboda guy ?

I wonder how life would be if I decided to be a bodaboda guy. My friend suggested I become one after I tried on the motorbike full gear as shown in the photo above. What do you guys think? do you find that a…

My Other Hobby✌?

Would you take a guess of what i was about to prepare for this beautiful women around me? lol! i know you are like what could watson possibly prepare with only onions held by the lady (in blue top) and…

The day before my friend’s wedding

The guy in the middle in the photo above was about to get married, and this particular moment was the last day of him being a bachelor. We were all excited to walk and do fun stuff together, we drunk…

My Very First Blog Guys

When I was young, I always dreamt I was running on the street with bare feet, later, I learned that was because I uncovered my feet with a bedsheet, lol! Personally, I thought it was a type of spirt, the…