Benefits Of Escalators And How They Can Help You

Benefits of escalators in a mall in africa kenya to be precise and in nairobi in the eastern and central africa

Escalators and the life-changing benefits they can have on society
Having an escalator in a mall has always helped businesses reduce waiting time and traffic in the malls and even improve their sales. But did you know that it can also help your health? For example, according to, walking escalators reduced heart rate and blood pressure, plus helped with posture. You’ll also get cardio benefits if you get to walk up and down the escalator with your hands held high (read: keep them held high!). Instead of carrying large handbags or heavy backpacks, try carrying just a handbag and a light jacket or sweater. Don’t forget to use hand sanitizer as you walk to and from the escalators.

The life-changing

benefits of escalators

The life-changing benefits of escalators are numerous, especially when they are installed on every floor of a mall to make it easier and easier for everyone to get to the next level. For example, you don’t need to park in the underground parking lot, make your way down multiple levels and then use a pedestrian bridge in order to reach the store you are looking for. All you need to do is exit the subway or bus stop, walk the rest of the way and you are at your destination. You could also walk past the washroom to get to the escalator, instead of having to walk through a big mall and then go through the long maze of washrooms, stores and restaurants to get to the exit to get to the escalator.

The life-changing benefits of escalators in malls
1.The ability to gain access to both sides of a large building Now, normally, there is a boundary around a building, normally consisting of wall or a curtain. And since buildings are typically higher than ground level, usually, the escalator that enters the building acts as an intermediary and offers a gap between two environments. Since the building is always higher than ground level, it is an extension of a destination to the public. So, once the escalator enters into a building, the destination gets visible to the public. This not only helps tourists understand the destination better but also encourages the local population to go into the building for the first time. 2.

There are a number of fantastic things about having an escalator in your building. This does not just include the convenience but also the cost and efficiency benefits. It is really a great idea to implement an escalator if you are one of those people who prefers to take the stairs as opposed to the elevator or have to walk up a flight of stairs. This is because you can save time and save energy too.

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