Having fun while traveling in style

Having fun while traveling in style

A unique strategy to organize a party location that will change the way parties are perceived moving forward is to rent a party bus. Customer service representatives are on hand around-the-clock to address all of your questions. This weekend, are…

Marathon Walking: What Every Exercise-Hater Must Know


Elite runners are no longer required to run marathons. Walking marathons are becoming more and more popular. It’s a terrific activity for seniors, ex-couch potatoes, and anyone who never considered themselves to be sporty. While marathon walkers encounter some of…

Entrepreneurship: What Makes One?


Kenya’s major socio-economic issue continues to be youth unemployment. It is so massive that it upends the foundation of the nation’s supremacy as an economic superpower. According to statistics, one in six young Kenyans are unemployed. It averages one in…

Advice for Living a Luxury Life

Advice for Living a Luxury Life

Whether you like to accept it or not, a woman’s level of income affects a variety of aspects of her life, including her lifestyle, temperament, and prospects for the future. A woman who lacks money will never truly feel independent…

Making judgments about men

Making judgments about men

Making judgments about men Most women have indulged in a session of male criticism with their girlfriends at some point. When they are tired of the males in their lives, many women indulge in this compulsive practice. Because it has…

5 Things Confident Men Never Do

Confident Men

5 Things Confident Men Never Do Many guys struggle with confidence on the inside, but it also manifests itself in your words and deeds. We will cover the reasons for and alternative behaviors of confident guys in this manual. What…

Matatu culture in kenya

Matatu culture in kenya

Matatu culture in kenya The majority of Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, is served by Matatus, public transportation minibuses. They swarm the streets of Nairobi, Kenya, with music booming as they bounce and weave through traffic. Some youngsters refer to…

Nairobi’s Cheapest Sex Locations

Nairobi's Cheapest Sex Locations

Nairobi’s Cheapest Sex Locations There are particular locations to go to if you need cheap sex in Nairobi where you can get it for as little as Ksh 20. However, Hurlingham, Westlands, and Runda are the places to go if…