5 Things People Take for Granted

Things People Take for Granted

Isn’t it always the case that you don’t realize what you have until it’s gone? There have never been more true words spoken, and they speak to the core of my message today. The majority of people, with few exceptions,…

The gap between the rich and the poor

the rich and the poor

The wealth gap in Kenya is expanding, with just 0.1 percent of the population, or 8,300 people, owning the majority of the country’s wealth, restricting equitable access to opportunities. According to a recent Oxfam survey, despite impressive economic growth since…

The Future of Apartment Living

Apartment Living

Apartment living seems to be the way of the future, as house prices continue to rise and populations in major cities continue to expand rapidly. Because of our hectic, fast-paced lifestyles, the dream of owning a house in the suburbs…

My Thoughts on Online Dating

Please understand that all I’m going to say is just my opinion before I begin this blog. You are not required to see things in the same light as I do. Feel free to take what you want and leave…

There are ten compelling reasons to study French.

reasons to study French

A universal language In all five continents, more than 300 million people speak French. The OIF is a multinational association of French-speaking countries with 88 member countries and governments. After English, French is the second most widely studied foreign language…



Fast facts: MARRIAGE IN THE 21ST CENTURY Formal marriage breakup has always been a part of life for people.Women who have a choice over when and if they want to get pregnant, and therefore an affordable choice about whether or…