If your girlfriend’s parents aren’t fond of you, don’t jump to the conclusion that you’re to blame for all.
Often a woman’s parents are the sort to search for every reason to cause trouble, or they just don’t know how to deal with people that aren’t like them.
Is it better to move on or fix the problem?
You’re in a wonderful relationship with a girlfriend, but there’s a snag. You can tell her parents don’t like you by their behavior, stuff they’ve said directly to you, or remarks they’ve made to your girlfriend about you.
If it’s likely that you’ve given them cause to dislike you, it’s also possible that you’re having trouble connecting with them for reasons that aren’t your fault. For example, some parents have some biases or convictions, and for some reason, any guy who gets romantically involved with “their little girl” would elicit an almost immediate dislike from them.
No man will ever be good enough for her in their eyes. In cases like this, there’s usually nothing you can do to change their minds. Is the situation so bleak that you can just move on and forget about her? It all depends on how you approach the situation.
Guys’ Common Mistakes When Dealing With Annoying Parents
You may be considering breaking up with your woman if her parents’ rejection of you is putting a strain on your relationship, even though it’s the last thing you want to do.
Until you end your relationship, think about the following common mistakes that some guys make that just serve to exacerbate these types of situations. Then consider how you can treat the situation differently.
Mistake 1: Having a Negative Reaction to Their Hostility
When confronted with initial hostility or coldness from a girlfriend’s parents, some guys react with negative, angry, or rude actions, escalating the situation. These men would do best to note the old adage about “killing them with kindness” by being cordial, polite, and not responding to their taunts and tests in a rude or emotional manner.
When his girlfriend notices that he continues to be sweet and polite despite her parents’ bad conduct, he will seem more mature and attractive to her, while her parents’ behavior will seem more irrational and unwarranted (and possibly to themselves).
Mistake 2 – Tolerating it for too long
The truth is that there are certain people who are just poor people out there. They’re “evil eggs,” rotting and slimy inside and out. When confronted with people who refuse to change their bad habits no matter what, a man does not stay around for too long.
Guys make the mistake of putting up with bad conduct and treatment from a girlfriend or her parents for far too long in their relationships with women. If people do not value him, no self-respecting man can stay.
You don’t need to hang onto such a rotten egg of a situation with a troublesome woman if you can easily attract new women. If the people involved do not go out of their way to show you respect, you would be disappointed.
You’re basically giving those rotten egg types what they want by hanging around as the good guy who wants to “destroy them with kindness” for years on end. They want a victim to play with, someone to pick on to make themselves feel better. You don’t need that.
You are entitled to better treatment, and you can only receive it if you display some self-respect by demanding that they improve. You move on if they don’t improve. They’ll either crumble under the stress of you abandoning their daughter, or they’ll eagerly await the next victim to play with.