How Technology is Changing How We Communicate in 6 Ways

The way we communicate with one another has been fundamentally altered by technology. We’ve made the transition from writing handwritten letters to texting, emailing, and using social media in only a few short years. Here are six ways that technology is still transforming how we interact.

The way we communicate with one another has been fundamentally altered by technology. We’ve made the transition from writing handwritten letters to texting, emailing, and using social media in only a few short years. Here are six ways that technology is still transforming how we interact.

Were chatting more frequently, although for shorter periods of time.

We are now accustomed to being able to contact whomever we want at any time of day because to the popularity of messaging programs like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and iMessage. We also communicate more frequently in shorter bursts than we would if we were writing an email or letter because we can reach someone right away.

The manner that young people communicate has changed the most; they are considerably more inclined to send a brief message in “text speak” rather than writing down lengthy sentences or phrases.

Our new best friends are bots and AI-powered assistants.

More and more chatbots and personal assistants powered by artificial intelligence are starting to appear on the market as the technology improves its comprehension of human conversation.

These days, we can ask Alexa for the weather forecast, speak with a salesperson on a website powered by AI, or ask the chatbot at our bank about our account balance. These kinds of encounters will only increase in frequency as AI continues to get better at comprehending human communication.

We Can Stay Connected Thanks to Fixed Wireless Internet and NBN

Being able to stay connected is more crucial than ever in today’s always-on environment. When it means the most, NBN and fixed wireless internet from companies like Swoop help people stay connected, whether they are working from home or keeping in touch with loved ones abroad. People are able to accomplish more of what they love without worrying about getting disconnected because to extremely fast speeds and dependable connections.

Visuals are Playing a Bigger Role in Our Communications

People are now interested in receiving information that is presented in a visually appealing fashion, as evidenced by the growth of visual social media platforms like Snapchat and Instagram. Businesses will need to change how they communicate in order to accommodate the increasing amount of visual content people consume online by adding more images to their marketing materials, website content, and other resources.

We’re Increasing Our Openness to Interacting with Strangers (at least online)

Connecting with people from across the world who share your interests is now simpler than ever thanks to the growth of social media. We’re also less hesitant to engage with people online (even if we’ve never met them in person) as online contact becomes more prevalent.

We Demand Quicker Reactions to Our Communications

Due to the prevalence of instant messaging apps today, we are accustomed to receiving responses to our messages almost immediately (within seconds or minutes). Although it might take hours or even days for someone to respond to us, our expectations haven’t changed much when it comes to other means of communication like email or even phone calls; we still anticipate a very prompt answer.


All in all, it’s clear that technology is drastically changing the way we communicate with each other. We’re now used to being able to communicate instantly with anyone in the world, but this convenience has come at the cost of longer attention spans and increased expectations for prompt responses. 

As businesses try to keep up with these changes, they will need to pay closer attention not just to what consumers are saying, but also to how they are saying it. After all, it’s not just what we say that matters, but how we say it too.

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