How to Give Your Partner More Quality Time

How to Give Your Partner More Quality Time

You see your lover on a daily basis. They are the first person you speak to when you wake up and the last person you kiss goodnight.

Is it true, however, that seeing each other every day equals a healthy relationship? Certainly not.

The best approach to keep your relationship healthy and strong is to spend quality time with your partner. This entails more than just watching Netflix together or going out for dinner every now and again. You and your partner both deserve more from your relationship.

What exactly does “quality time” imply? It entails spending uninterrupted time with your partner. This is an opportunity for you to get together and speak. Emotional connection and trust are built through communication.

Quality time is also about physically expressing love. Not necessarily through sex (though that is wonderful, too! ), but rather through hand-holding, hugging, stroking, and tickling. According to studies, these acts of affection increase relationship satisfaction. [1]

So, how do you and your partner spend quality time together? Here are 13 relationship suggestions to help you make the most of your time with your significant other.

Recognize Symptoms

If you want your relationship to be healthy, you must learn to detect the indicators that you and your partner need to spend more quality time together.

The following are some telltale signs:

You are constantly on your phones.
You place a higher priority on friendships or activities than spending quality time with your spouse.
During significant events, you are not together.
You’re arguing more or you’re disconnected.
You don’t schedule date nights or make plans.
You’re not content.
If you’re experiencing any of these indicators in your relationship, realize that spending quality time together can help you overcome them.

  1. Combine new experiences
    Have you ever wished to learn to play an instrument or communicate in a different language? Consider skydiving or ballroom dancing.

Why not include your partner in these activities instead of regarding them as solo pursuits?

Trying new things with your partner strengthens your connection by encouraging you to rely on each other for emotional and physical support.

Marriage happiness was twice as high for couples who saw each other as best friends, according to a study published in the Journal of Happiness Studies.

  1. Make time for tech-free activities.
    Listen to music, watch movies, and stay in touch with friends and family using your phone. Is your phone, however, beneficial to your relationship?

Many couples snub or ‘phub’ each other on the phone. Phubbing has been shown in studies to decrease relationship satisfaction and raise the risk of depression.

Remove distractions when spending quality time with your partner and demonstrate that you are completely focused on them.

  1. Go to the Gym Together
    Making workout partners is one method to spend more time together as a couple. Couples who exercise together are more likely to stick to their exercise habit, according to studies. [4] Couples also work out more intensely than individuals. According to one study, couples who exercise together lose 95 percent more weight than singles who exercise alone. [5]

Join a gym, perform at-home couple’s workouts, try couples yoga, go hiking, or ride your bikes. These healthy activities can foster a good relationship regardless of how you exercise.

  1. Prepare Meals with Others
    While you get active — in the kitchen, of course – crack open a bottle of wine or turn on some romantic music.

Cooking meals together is one of the finest relationship tips for spending quality time together when you both have busy schedules.


Try preparing a four-course meal or a gourmet French dish together to spice things up. This is not only a pleasant way to spend time with your friends, but it also develops teamwork.

If all goes according to plan, you’ll have a romantic date night meal at home that you made yourself. Even if the cuisine doesn’t work out as planned, you’re sure to have a good time and make new memories together.

  1. Establish a Date Night Routine
    When couples spend quality time together, they have a stronger sense of contentment and less stress.
    [7] Including a date night in your weekly routine is one of the most important relationship recommendations for a good relationship.

According to the National Marriage Project, having a weekly date night might help your relationship seem more exciting and minimize boredom.

[8] It also reduces the likelihood of divorce, improves sex life, and promotes healthy communication.

The following are some excellent date night suggestions:

Gather your favorite films and cozy up on the couch for a movie marathon.
Play board games, video games, and other creative outlets with your family.
Recreate your first date by returning to the same restaurant and ordering the same meal as when you first met. Pretend you’re strangers meeting for the first time and see how hot the night becomes.
Plan a weekend trip — Nothing beats traveling with your significant other.
Dinner and a movie is a timeless combination.
Make it a quest to rate and sample all of the Mexican eateries, Irish pubs, and Italian trattorias in your area.

Gather your favorite films and cozy up on the couch for a movie marathon.
Play board games, video games, and other creative outlets with your family.
Recreate your first date by returning to the same restaurant and ordering the same meal as when you first met. Pretend you’re strangers meeting for the first time and see how hot the night becomes.
Plan a weekend trip — Nothing beats traveling with your significant other.
Dinner and a movie is a timeless combination.
Make it a quest to rate and sample all of the Mexican eateries, Irish pubs, and Italian trattorias in your area.

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