List of Kenya’s Favorite Hobbies

Discjockeys and bars
Young people in Kenya’s metropolitan areas find this to be one of their favorite pastimes. There are numerous nightclubs and pubs in big cities like Mombasa that draw sizable groups of partygoers every night of the week, not just on the weekends.

The owners of these places profit financially from the fact that having fun is an essential part of Kenyan culture. Due to the popularity of karaoke in Kenyan cities, bars that also provide food and alcohol are now among the most popular.

Hardworking Kenyans can relax and interact with their friends by going out to these places.

Poker game
One of Kenya’s three main forms of gambling is playing casino games like poker; the other two are playing the lottery and placing bets on sporting events. People enjoy going to Kenya’s many impressive casinos to play poker there.

One of these is the Finix Casino in Nairobi, where Texas Hold’em is the most popular poker variation and every Sunday is when a sizable live event is hosted. Another popular alternative for poker enthusiasts in Nairobi is the Mayfair Casino because it offers a variety of various games.

hiking or camping

Some Kenyans favor a pastime that allows them to spend time outside. Camping and hiking are particularly popular pastimes since there is a lot of open space with lakes, mountains, and woodlands to explore.

The Ngong Hills and the track that ascends Mount Kenya are two popular hiking routes among locals. The shores of Lake Naivasha in Rift Valley offer for a really beautiful camping place for those who choose to camp out for the night.

Through exposure to nature, these outdoor pursuits not only help people stay physically fit and healthy but also help them de-stress mentally.

Attending shows

Not many Kenyans are interested in this kind of cultural pastime, but some like unwinding by watching a play in one of the nation’s theaters. There is no shortage of locations offering live stage performances, with the Phoenix Theater, the Alliance Francaise, and the Kenya National Theater among others.

Sporting events live

Kenyans are ardent sports fans, and youngsters are exposed to rugby, football, and other popular sports at a young age. Numerous soccer teams, such the Nairobi-based AFC Leopards SC, Mathare United FC, and Sopaka FC, the Zoo Kericho FC, and the Ulinzi Stars FC of Nakuru, receive a lot of support.

When it comes to which people are interested in particular sports, there is a slight socioeconomic split. While middle-class Kenyan males frequently choose to play golf, rugby and soccer draw slightly more working-class spectators.

Fans can connect with one another and express their emotions while watching sports in a secure setting.

Buying anything

Kenyans of both sexes enjoy the hobby of retail therapy. But once more, the actual products that men and women choose to purchase often differ significantly.

Kenyan men are more inclined to shop for brand-new automobiles or playable electronic devices. In addition to products required for the home, women are typically more likely to be searching for shoes or new clothing for their wardrobes.

Stay at Home

And finally, some Kenyans favor pastimes that don’t require them to leave the couch. Like everywhere else, reading and watching the most recent episodes of one’s favorite television programs are common ways for Kenyans to unwind.

Reading a book or watching TV during downtime is one of the more relaxing pastimes as far as hobbies go.

These are the pastimes that Kenyans currently engage in the most frequently. Due to the diversity of tastes, they include both active and more inactive activities.

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