My Very First Blog Guys

When I was young, I always dreamt I was running on the street with bare feet, later, I learned that was because I uncovered my feet with a bedsheet, lol! Personally, I thought it was a type of spirt, the spirt with courage, and the spirt for venturing.
Looking backward, my life was like a rope with knot, all I had done was a different knot. I was a philosopher without a degree. I was a chef, when I tasted self-made food I would give the best compliment to myself. I was a poet and writer, I wrote the poet both in English and Chinese, but it was not the right time for people to appreciate. So far I was a salesman, not the top one! Here I would like to have my own website for discovering more fun about life.

This is the real me
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Articles: 224

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