Protein mix has a number of advantages.

When you think of protein, you might think of eggs, chicken, a glass of milk, red meat, or fish. While these may be among of the best protein sources available, a closer look reveals that there is much more you are losing out on. Surprised? Don’t worry, we’ll clear things up because we’re talking about a protein blend of seeds and nuts.

It’s no surprise that protein-rich almonds make a fantastic snack or meal supplement. They’re adaptable and a fantastic source of plant-based protein, especially for vegetarians, and they’re easy to consume on the go.

Consuming nuts can help you satisfy your protein requirements. This is necessary for the development of muscles, bones, and cartilage.

Seeds, on the other hand, are high in nutrients and provide a variety of health benefits in addition to being high in protein. Minerals and vitamins abound in these tiny yet powerful seeds. Seeds are incredibly adaptable and can be easily included into a variety of dishes. Do you want to have a thinner waist? Do you require additional energy? There’s a seed in there somewhere!

As a result, high-protein nuts and seeds are an excellent addition to any super-food combo. Neuherbs Protein Mix contains pumpkin seeds, almonds, watermelon seeds, pistachios, sunflower seeds, cashews, and other nuts and seeds. It is, without a doubt, a healthy snacking alternative.

Snacking is an important part of weight loss because it is not always bad. In fact, eating a protein-rich and healthy snack every 2-3 hours can help you lose weight.

Neuherbs’ protein mix seeds and nuts contains roasted and salted nuts and seeds that can be used to add flavor. They can help substitute less healthy snacks like chips by adding satiety to a tasty trail mix. This trail mix may be able to satisfy those who are desiring a candy bar or another sweet food. The following is a list of the ingredients in this trail mix, as well as the advantages they provide.


Pistachios have the same amount of protein as one egg. These nuts are high in amino acids, which aid the body’s ability to conduct critical processes.

Seeds of Sunflower

Sunflower seeds are high in healthful fats and also contain fiber, proteins, phytochemicals, copper, selenium, and magnesium. Aside from that, they’re the best source of vitamin E.


Almonds are a seed that are often confused with nuts. Almonds, in addition to being strong in protein, are also high in antioxidants, making them the greatest choice for a super-food combo. These help to protect the body from oxidative stress caused by free radicals. This, in turn, aids in the prevention of heart disease, aging, and several malignancies. A balanced snack consists of a pair of almonds and a piece of fruit. Almonds have the highest concentration of antioxidants in their brown skin. So, for the uncountable benefits, it’s preferable to eat almonds with the skin on.

Seeds from pumpkins

Minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants abound in these tasty crispy seeds. Pumpkin seeds have 19 grams of protein per 100 grams!


Cashews, which are technically seeds, are high in protein and include several vital minerals and vitamins. The copper content of a 32-gram portion of these seeds is around 80%. As a result, they improve immunity while also assisting in the formation of red blood cells and connective tissue. Low copper intake has also been shown to raise the risk of osteoporosis, a disorder that causes brittle and weak bones. As a result, increasing your copper intake by eating cashews may be one strategy to help prevent this illness. Eat cashews as part of a salad to get extra cashews in your diet.

Seeds from a watermelon

Watermelon seeds are nutrient-dense and low in calories. They become crispy when roasted and can readily substitute other harmful snack options. Vitamins, proteins, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, zinc, magnesium, potassium, copper, and other nutrients are included.

Here are some more reasons to include this super-food combo in your diet, in addition to all of these advantages.

Ideal for a workout

Because it is a high-protein food, it may help persons who exercise to meet their daily protein requirements.

It can help you lose weight.

This helps to give you a feeling of fullness because it is high in fiber and protein. As a result, it aids with weight management.


It can be included in your regular diet to regulate bone health because it is a rich source of calcium.

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