Purposeful Living

Purposeful Living. For people seeking to discover their life’s purpose and go on self-enlightenment adventures. You DO have a purpose for being on this planet… but what is it?

“What is the meaning of my life?

…I have the feeling I’m on a mission, but I’m not sure what it is… I believe I’m on the wrong track; I should be a healer…”

Clients frequently want assistance in developing a sense of purpose, and psychics can provide valuable insight, particularly in understanding the significance of “purpose” in our life. Often, the feeling of being on a mission stems from discontent with the current situation. The problem then becomes assisting the client in seeing the value in being exactly where they are in order for their life purpose to emerge.

We’re all here “on a mission” – in fact, many of us have chosen to be on this planet at this particular time in order to be a part of the transition that is taking place. For many, being here now means releasing as much old karma as possible in order to participate in the shift to a higher state of consciousness. We came to see what all the fuss was about because these are crucial times.

However, we frequently confuse being on a “inner” mission with wanting to achieve some “outside” goal. While we may have chosen a unique purpose for ourselves in this life, it will usually only come to light when we are ready.

However, we frequently conflate being on a “inner” mission with a desire to fulfill some “outside” goal. While we may have chosen a unique purpose for ourselves in this life, it will usually manifest itself only when we are ready. Purpose is revealed at key periods throughout our lives, as Phil outlines in his article Finding Your Path… for some, this is quite early in life, for others, it can take some time and preparation.

EVERYTHING serves a purpose. We live our lives with purpose, but it is all too frequently concealed from us or muddled when life gets in the way. Every event, person, circumstance, in fact, every aspect of our lives has purpose and value – and appears to help us grow and learn, to mirror the state of our souls, to show us what we are creating through our thoughts and feelings, as well as the loving actions we take… it is up to us whether we choose to see, learn from, and accept the purpose in all, even in life’s tragedies, perhaps our most important lessons…

It’s all about the lemonade at the end of the day… Making the most of every moment and seeing everything as having a purpose allows your soul to evolve in the direction that your Higher Self has chosen. Staying present, practicing inner work, embracing and working with where you are now leads to achieving your life’s purpose for today and tomorrow.

Use this powerful affirmation as often as you can think of to align yourself with your Higher Purpose: I will to will Thy Will. Then be prepared to change.

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Articles: 224

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