Simple Techniques For Hitting On Women Without Being Creepy

Hitting On Women

Even though we’ve written about this a million times and you’ve read it a trillion times, something still seems off. I mean approaching a woman without getting turned down or labelled a weirdo!

There are a few things you can do that won’t turn a lady off if you want to successfully approach her without coming off as a creep. You may believe me when I say that as a woman, I have turned away a lot of creepy-acting individuals. It’s important to write an essay on it since, in all honesty, it’s not that difficult to make an impression on us in a bar, party, or other public setting. Just say

Here are the five simplest, least scary methods to approach us and probably catch our attention.

Don’t push yourself too much.
I mean, I realize you probably only go fishing, but occasionally, don’t push yourself too hard. Don’t let meeting a girl and bringing her back to your house be the whole focus of your evening. Make the night about having real fun with your friends and leave the “seeing a female” as an afterthought. Once you spot a girl, it’s only then that your expectations are lowered and you feel comfortable approaching her and striking up a conversation. You’re bound to start expecting a lot if you start looking for someone as soon as you enter the pub or club. So, yes, try not to overdo it.

Please refrain from using pick-up lines!
On this, I cannot emphasize enough. I’m tired of guys approaching me and making corny comments like, “Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?” I promise that when I punch you in the face, it will hurt. Men, keep it simple. All you need to say is “hello, how’s your night going?” or “how was your day?” Let’s determine if we want to carry on the discussion or not. Avoid using cheesy pick-up lines!

(3) Avoid loitering
Move on if you’ve tried to talk to a woman and she doesn’t seem interested in you. Keep your distance from her and don’t skulk around her. It’s the same as not comprehending a straightforward “NO” in response or understanding what permission is.

At bars and clubs, women who often don’t want guys around make their feelings extremely obvious, therefore it’s crucial to respect her privacy and leave her alone. Lurking is loitering around, trying your luck once again in the same area as her. There is very little likelihood that she will change her decision if she has already made up her mind. Simply put, put her behind you.

(4) Maintain A Balanced Discussion
Sometimes when I meet a guy at a pub, he first tries to get my attention by asking me a question before abruptly beginning to talk about himself. I mean, he just starts talking about himself and I am at a loss for words. I don’t even have to ask him about who he is, what he does, or where he is from.

Don’t do that, I repeat. Don’t monopolize the spotlight; it’s rude to do so! Maintain a healthy balance in your conversation to give the female a chance to speak. You truly are only making things worse for yourself if you keep talking about yourself. Be a talker as well as a listener!

(5) Propose Spending Time Together
The plan is to remove her from the crowd, which requires great skill. She is there enjoying herself with her buddies. The goal is to strike up a discussion with her and seduce her, of course with her permission.

Take her away from her group of friends and spend an evening with her when you do start chatting to her and she seems as interested in the conversation as you are. Ask her for her phone number and perhaps schedule a later meeting if she wants to hang out with her pals.

In this approach, it’s obvious that you want to get to know her more and that you’re ready to go out with her soon.

Don’t feel rejected if she declines to hang out with you after a talk and tells you right away that she isn’t enthusiastic. There are always other fish in the sea.

If you have the correct amount of confidence and decreased expectations, you can truly do it perfectly without freaking her out when hitting on ladies at a bar or anywhere else!

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