Three guiding principles for using humor to attract people

Couple admiring each other. Husband and wife looking into each others eyes. Girlfriend and boyfriend laughing and sharing a joke together. Man and woman bonding on the weekend, Woman and man bonding

Learn why any encounter with a woman needs to include comedy.

The following is one of the best pieces of advise I’ve ever heard:

“You’ll be able to entice a woman into bed if you can make her laugh all the time.”

In fact, it is true!

Getting a lady to laugh has a direct bearing on your ability to attract her. You can make her more attracted to you and entice her by utilizing humor.

However, there is a significant issue with using humor:

90% of males are acting inappropriately!

Although many men are aware that laughing is the key to a woman’s heart, they are employing it incorrectly. It’s crucial to comprehend the appropriate use of comedy for this reason.

You’ll discover the three guiding principles for using humor to attract people in this article:

Rule #1: Never make fun of yourself.

The most crucial piece of advice when attempting to make a woman laugh is this:

Humor that is self-deprecating should never be utilized.

If you don’t have a dictionary on hand, self-deprecating humor can be defined as any joke or behavior that draws attention to one of your flaws. Because they convey a lesser status to women, it’s crucial to NEVER utilize these types of jokes.

Your objective when talking to ladies is to project greater status and build a reputation for being a good time. Therefore, rather than lowering your standing, your jokes and actions should raise it.

Rule #2: Make fun of them and tease them

The comedy need to be directed at her, not at yourself. There is a certain skill to utilizing comedy to create attraction, even if I realize you probably aren’t used to making fun of women.

Let me give you some women’s perspective…

Women are typically accustomed to men licking their bums. Usually, other males would flatter women endlessly in an effort to entice them into the bedroom. The issue is that women become sick of men using the same supplicating and boot-licking phrases.

You need to tease a woman with comedy to differentiate yourself from these guys. While you should never be a jerk, you can increase attraction by pointing out her flaws and cracking wise about them.

I assure you that if you can accept her personality and learn to make jokes with her, you’ll have a woman giggling uncontrollably.

Rule #3: Make comedy ONE of your personality traits.

The last guideline is to know when to stop being playful and taunting. There are appropriate times to be humorous in conversations with women and inappropriate times.

You’ve undoubtedly already realized that women want men who are more than just slapstick characters. You need to exhibit other essential personality traits in addition to humor in order to be appealing.

For instance, to be a seductive guy, you must exhibit traits like:

Confidence \sInitiative\sIntelligence\sCommunication\sInterest
You will be seen as a higher rank alpha guy if you possess all of these personality qualities. So, in addition to having other desirable personality features, you’ll be a hilarious guy.

A key component of dating and seduction is comedy. You’ll find that it’s simple to attract more women if you know how to use comedy correctly and make them laugh.

You’ll stand out from other males and improve your overall performance with women if you can follow these three principles.

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