Why Most Men Fail at Getting Laid at a Party!

First, I’ll explain why most guys don’t get sex at or after parties and why it rarely works out for them.

It’s all about your thinking and attitude when you’re out.

Assume you’ve been invited to a party. In this scenario, I’m referring to parties that are commonly thrown by students and persons between the ages of 16 and 35.

There will be a lot of boys and girls at these parties. There will very certainly be drinking or other recreational activities involved, and everyone will be there to have fun and have a great time.

Or so it appears…

That is true for girls! The major purpose of most girls attending a party is to “have fun.” Listening to good music, meeting new people, having intriguing, engaging, or exciting conversations and interactions with others, dancing with someone, playing games, gossiping, drinking alcohol, or becoming inebriated in some other way are all examples of this. Hooking up with someone, witnessing something amusing, being entertained, and so on and so forth.

They’ll consider it a nice and entertaining night if even some of these things happen to them. Even if they don’t get to dance with or hook up with anyone, but they do get to do a lot of other exciting things, the night will be a success!

But, you know what? For the vast majority of single men, it’s not the same!

Most men will consider the night a failure if they do not get laid when they go out. Unfortunately, for the large majority of single men who go out, having a good time is neither the most common nor the most significant goal!

Over the years, I conducted extensive research and spoke with thousands of men from various nations and age groups about these and other significant issues about women, attraction, and seduction…

Almost all single guys indicated they attend parties to see if they can meet and date any women.

So that was our primary incentive for going out.

But admit it: If you knew you’d be laid some night, no matter what – say, by a fuckbuddy who would come over in the evening to bang you – you’d prefer stay at home and do something else interesting than go to a party, wouldn’t you?

Don’t get me wrong: some guys enjoy attending to noisy parties, chatting with strangers, drinking, and having a good time. Outgoing extroverts are what they’re called. However, they are not the majority, and they don’t really need to know how to get bedded at a party because they have well-developed social skills and no psychological issues or fears that would hinder them from being fantastic with women.

However, this is not the case for many men, particularly introverts. Because things like going to loud parties are exhausting for introverts.

Instead of going out to a party to drink and socialize, the majority of guys would rather spend time on their hobbies, play video games, have fun with their pals in a comfortable setting, or do other seemingly more essential things.

So when they do go out, it’s usually with one purpose in mind: to acquire some pussy!

And here is the root of the problem: when single guys go out, they almost always have an ulterior objective from the start.

Having only that ulterior motive in mind causes a great amount of mental confusion! Most fails to get laid at a party are due to this ulterior motivation.

Why having a hidden agenda at a party would harm your chances of getting laid.

Now I’ll explain the psychology behind it, as well as why so many guys fail to get laid during parties.

As we all know, most guys have a specific purpose in mind when they go out to a party, club, bar, or anything. Which is better: finding and meeting girls for casual sex or finding a girlfriend/fuckbuddy.

However, having that purpose will ruin your entire evening since you will subconsciously impose it on every hot girl you meet while out.

All of your interactions will be filtered, and you will not be perceived as genuine or authentic.

So you must understand one key fact: You can only control yourself — you cannot control others… Other people are going to do whatever they’re going to do regardless, and you can’t stop them. That’s why having a purpose that involves someone else is so detrimental to your ability to get laid at parties.

Even if you want to get laid, it may not be the intention of everyone else. Especially for girls who are just seeking for a GOOD TIME. For most males, having sex is just a minor portion of that pleasant experience, not the most important aspect.

So keep this in mind: you have no power over women. You can sway their opinion of you, but you can’t make them like you. That’s because women are people, not objects, and desire isn’t rational or voluntary.

If you’re only looking for sex that night, most of the girls you chat to will sense it and think you’re looking for anything from them… They’ll be correct because you know what you’re doing! You’ll almost certainly approach certain girls just because you find them attractive and want to fuck them.

To be fair, there’s nothing inherently wrong with such an aim.

Because, in many cases, the direct approach, particularly in clubs and other similar settings, works quite effectively.

To be fair, there’s nothing wrong with setting such a goal. Because, if you know what you’re doing and are very consistent with it, the direct approach frequently works very well, especially in clubs and other loud environments.

However, if it is your only purpose while at a party, it will destroy your entire evening. Because parties are a marathon, not a sprint, and because focusing solely on that goal would result in a strange atmosphere.

And this isn’t the only way that having an ulterior objective that you subconsciously impose on ladies you speak with will get you in trouble at parties.

Do you doubt me? Here’s a dose of reality: You’d be grateful and appreciative if the attractive girls you talk to at a party would just cut to the point and come home with you to bang straight immediately, wouldn’t you? That’s pretty much every guy’s fantasy — to cut through the nonsense and just get the female…

It would save you a lot of time and work, and it would be fantastic if all the girls at parties wanted to bang you without you having to put in any effort. But don’t forget the fundamental irony here: you don’t even bother to get to know the girl before you bang her!

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